AI Smart Receptionist

Smart Receptionist is a conversational AI system designed to efficiently manage business calls and schedule appointments. It’s like having your very own AI virtual assistant who answers calls 24/7/365!

Smart Receptionist offers businesses an AI-driven solution for efficient call management and appointment scheduling, ensuring prompt responses 24/7/365. It frees up resources, enhances productivity, and boosts market competitiveness. Businesses benefit from its ease of use, reliability, and efficiency, with its zero-coding setup, instant activation, and seamless interactions. It answers phone calls in milliseconds and uses natural language to assist with appointment handling, calendar management, and addressing routine calls, freeing up time to prioritize more important tasks.

The AI Smart Receptionist is a conversational AI system streamlining how businesses manage calls and schedule appointments, enhancing overall efficiency. It can be quickly set up in about 10 minutes using your existing phone number without requiring technical skills or extensive maintenance. Once activated, the system operates around the clock, answering calls instantly to ensure no customer query goes unattended. It features a natural voice AI for clear, effective communications, allowing callers to obtain information quickly, connect with the right department, or schedule appointments anytime.

The system offers customizable settings to adjust greetings and appointment details to fit your business style while maintaining brand consistency. Automating these tasks reduces operational costs and frees up staff to concentrate on more strategic activities. It also improves your market position by efficiently managing customer interactions and blocking spam calls, ensuring a smooth and professional communication experience.

Appointment Handling by the AI Smart Receptionist

Automated appointment handling, like that provided by the AI Smart Receptionist, streamlines scheduling by enhancing efficiency and reducing manual errors, such as double bookings. It allows customers to book appointments 24/7 at their convenience, improving satisfaction through flexibility and immediate confirmation.


  • How does the Smart Receptionist block spam calls? If your company receives a call where the caller cannot respond to questions, like robocalls, the call will not go through.
  • How does the Smart Receptionist decline calls? The called party is asked if they want to accept a call from <caller name>, so if there’s someone you don’t want to talk to, you can decline the call. 
  • How is it different from the auto-attendant? An auto attendant is a simple keystroke interaction, e.g., “If you know your party’s extension, dial it at any time.” You hit a key, and you’re transferred. Conversely, our Smart Receptionist uses natural language. Callers and their called parties interact with the system conversational—just like they would with a human receptionist.
  • What happens if there is a lot of background noise? The system was built to filter out voice vs. background noise and focus on keywords. This is one of our areas of expertise, and we’ve put a lot of emphasis on making sure background noise doesn’t interfere with communication.
  • How well does the system understand accents? Extremely well. The DNN (deep neural network) is augmented with multiple accents–acoustic (audio files with different accents) and linguistics (different language pronunciations).