Building Customer Trust in Our Super-Connected World: A Simple Guide for Multilocation Business Owners

Building Customer Trust in Our Super-Connected World: A Simple Guide for Multilocation Business Owners

Building Customer Trust in Our Super-Connected World: A Simple Guide for Multilocation Business Owners

Nowadays, customers can get in touch with businesses in more ways than ever: voice calls, emails, chats on websites, social media messages, text messages, and video calls. Smart business owners see these different ways to talk as a chance to make customers happier. Every chat or call might take time to lead to a sale, but it’s always an opportunity to make a customer feel more loyal to your brand and boost your sales over time.

In our world, where everyone is always connected, how customers feel about their experience is absolutely important. Store owners who do a great job can get more than just business from a customer. They can also get good reviews and recommendations, which is free marketing. Plus, if they use the right tools, they can gather data to help them make better decisions, improve their services, and give customers personalized experiences that make them love the brand more.

How to Keep Customers Coming Back with Great Online Experiences 

Studies show that more and more people want to use digital ways to buy things and get help from companies. 89% of customers say they’ll spend more money with companies that let them find answers online. Also, more people are asking for help through social media than other ways like phone calls or chats (according to a company called Zendesk).

Customers today want their experience to be easy, enjoyable, and the same, no matter how they interact with a company. They want to use apps, self-checkout, websites, and other digital ways to shop. But, when they need extra help, or something goes wrong, they still want to be able to talk to a person.

This doesn’t mean it’s one or the other, so a new hybrid shopping environment has emerged. Most of the time, customers use more than one way to interact with a store. A report from Deloitte says:

  • 60% of customers look up a product online before buying it in a store.
  • 56% look at a product in a store before buying it online.
  • 64% use their phone or other device while they’re in a store. 
  • Reports say 90% of customers will spend more money with companies that personalize their service.

Business owners who gather all the information about a customer in one place can respond to questions faster and in a more informed way. Customers expect this kind of personalized service. To do this, businesses must ensure all their ways of talking to customers, their customer management tools and their call center work together. A system that gives a complete view of all interactions with a customer can help employees give better customer service.

Keep Making the Customer Experience Better 

Businesses can find ways to improve the customer experience by looking at customer interaction data. This can also help train employees better in the call center and other parts of the business.

How to Connect More with Customers 

Training doesn’t have to be just listening to recorded calls or looking at survey results anymore. New technologies can help businesses find specific words and phrases in conversations, count how often they happen, and figure out which conversations are good or bad. Then, they can look closer at those conversations to see if workers need more training and assign that training automatically.

Understand How Customers Feel in Real Time 

Gathering information from different systems can help understand what customers are saying and how they feel. As calls happen, they’re automatically written out and marked with feelings using pre-set categories. Businesses can easily change the system to fit their needs. By understanding more about customer interactions and common topics, sales and customer support teams can adjust their approach to sell more and make customers happier.

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