Ethan Allen: A SIP Trunking Case Study

Ethan Allen SIP trunk case study

Ethan Allen, a renowned furniture retailer, was facing a common challenge for businesses with multiple locations: maintaining an efficient and cost-effective phone system. With a significant investment already made in Private Branch Exchange (PBX) phone systems across over 100 stores, the company needed a solution that would optimize its phone infrastructure without causing disruption to its employees or incurring further costs. SimpleVoIP’s SIP Trunking solution provided the ideal answer.

Company Background

Ethan Allen had made considerable investments in PBX phone systems for each of their stores, with 15 to 20 phones installed in every location. However, these phones were rarely used, and upgrading to a hosted phone model would have raised their monthly costs significantly. As a result, the company sought an alternative solution to replace their existing SIP trunks and optimize their phone system without causing disruption or requiring additional hardware investments.

Understanding SIP Trunking

Before delving into the specifics of the Ethan Allen case study, it is essential to understand what SIP Trunking is and how it functions. SIP Trunking, or Session Initiation Protocol Trunking, is a method of delivering voice and multimedia communications over the internet. It replaces traditional phone lines by connecting a company’s PBX phone system to the internet using a single virtual connection. This connection allows for simultaneous voice and multimedia communication, such as video conferencing and instant messaging, without the need for multiple physical phone lines. By utilizing SIP Trunking, businesses can reduce costs, increase flexibility, and streamline their communication infrastructure. In the case of Ethan Allen, SIP Trunking provided the perfect solution to optimize their existing phone systems across their numerous locations without incurring additional costs or causing any disruptions.

The Solution

SimpleVoIP’s SIP Trunking Ethan Allen partnered with SimpleVoIP to replace their existing SIP trunks, which are essentially new-school phone lines. Each store had six SIP trunks, allowing six concurrent external calls from their 20-phone setup. By switching to SimpleVoIP’s SIP trunks, Ethan Allen was able to retain their existing phone systems without reprogramming phones, purchasing new hardware, or retraining employees. The transition was completely transparent to employees, and only the phone lines behind the scenes changed.


By choosing SimpleVoIP’s SIP Trunking solution, Ethan Allen experienced several benefits:

Cost savings

There was no need for an initial investment in hardware equipment, and the company maintained low monthly phone costs.

Seamless transition

The switch to SimpleVoIP’s SIP trunks did not require any disruption to employees, as there was no reprogramming, new hardware, or retraining involved.


With over 100 locations to upgrade, SimpleVoIP’s solution allowed Ethan Allen to optimize their phone systems at their own pace without committing to a full-scale project timeline.

SimpleVoIP’s SIP Trunking solution provided Ethan Allen with a cost-effective, non-disruptive, and scalable alternative to upgrading their entire phone system. By leveraging its existing hardware investments and maintaining low monthly phone costs, Ethan Allen successfully optimized their phone infrastructure across multiple locations. This case study demonstrates the effectiveness and flexibility of SimpleVoIP’s SIP Trunking solution in meeting the unique needs of businesses with diverse phone system requirements.

In conclusion, enterprises experiencing similar challenges as Ethan Allen or those looking to implement SIP Trunking should consider partnering with SimpleVoIP. By choosing SimpleVoIP, businesses can benefit from a seamless transition, cost savings, and a scalable solution that caters to their specific needs. SimpleVoIP’s expertise and commitment to delivering top-quality services ensure that clients receive the most efficient and reliable communication infrastructure.

As demonstrated in the Ethan Allen case study, SimpleVoIP’s SIP Trunking solution has proven to be a valuable asset in optimizing phone systems, minimizing disruptions, and maximizing return on investment. Don’t let outdated phone systems hold your business back; embrace the future of communication with SimpleVoIP’s SIP Trunking solutions and experience the advantages for yourself. Get in touch with SimpleVoIP today to learn more about how our services can transform your enterprise’s communication capabilities and drive success.